Home Garden

How to Take Care of Tulips Indoors

Tulips do not take naturally to life as a houseplant, but will bloom indoors with proper preparation. It is a simple procedure, but it takes some planning and time. Pick the varieties of tulip you like best, follow the steps for forcing them and you will have a pot of colorful tulips.

Things You'll Need

  • Tulip bulbs
  • Paper bag
  • Refrigerator
  • Planting container
  • Potting soil
  • Water
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    • 1

      Visit your local nursery in the fall, when tulip bulbs are in stock. Select large, unblemished bulbs. Select enough bulbs to space across your planting pot with bulbs just far enough apart so that they do not touch.

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      Place your bulbs in a paper bag, and then set them in the refrigerator. The vegetable crisper drawer is a good spot. Let the bulbs chill for 12 to 16 weeks.

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      Fill the planting container with potting soil up to 4 inches below the pot's rim. Place the tulip bulbs on the soil, so they are close but not touching. The bulb's pointed end should face up.

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      Fill the container with soil the rest of the way, leaving 1/2 inch of space at the top. Pack the soil around bulbs and gently water it. The bulbs' tips should poke up through the soil.

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      Place the pot in a cool, dark place, such as the garage or backyard shed. Water the pot lightly once per week.

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      Bring the pot out and set in a brightly lit spot once the tulips have leaves. Keep the pot away from direct sun and drafts. Water the tulips when the top of the soil feels dry.

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      Blooming occurs two to four weeks after the pot is placed in the light, depending on the tulip variety. Turning the pot regularly promotes straight, upright growth. Your tulip blooms should last for about two weeks.