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How to Plant Tulips in a Pot

Nothing says spring like a pot of colorful tulips. After the long fall and winter months, most of us are ready to be done with the cold weather and brown-toned landscape. Certainly, you can plant tulips in the ground for a lovely display. However, they can also be planted in pots, of any size and design, to decorate decks, patios or apartment landings/balconies. Plant your tulips in a pot during the fall or early winter months and they will reward you with bright blooms in the spring.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot (plant container)
  • Tulip bulbs
  • Gravel (rocks, marbles)
  • Potting soil
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      Gather or purchase the container (pot) and tulip bulbs from a nursery, garden center or from an online site (see Resources below). Decide if you want a pot of tulips of one color or a combination of colors and buy your bulbs accordingly. You will also need potting soil and a small amount of gravel (rocks or marbles).

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      Place the gravel (rocks or marbles) in the bottom of your pot, to just cover the bottom. This is important to help with water drainage. If water sits in the pot for too long it could rot the bulbs. The gravel also keeps the soil from coming out the drainage holes in the pot.

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      Pour enough potting soil into the container to reach approximately 6 inches from the top.

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      Place as many tulip bulbs as you can, in a single layer, on top of the potting soil. The tulip bulbs should be placed with the point side up. The top of the bulbs will be 3 to 4 inches from the top of the pot.

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      Pour potting soil over the tulip bulbs, to about an inch from the top of the pot. Place the tulip pot outdoors in a protected location, such as under a deck or pergola, where it will receive some water. Too much water could cause the soil and bulbs to freeze during the winter, causing rot.