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How to Grow a Daisy in a Pot

When you don’t have room for garden space in the yard, you can still enjoy colorful daisies by planting them in containers. The African bush daisy, gerbera daisies and Shasta daisies will grow as container plants given the correct care. Place the potted daisies on a windowsill, patio or deck and watch them flourish and grow into mature flowering plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Peat moss
  • Garden loam
  • Perlite
  • Lime (Optional)
  • Fertilizer
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      Choose a container that has drainage holes on the bottom. Clay containers are porous and will allow the water to evaporate quickly, but plastic containers are non-porous and are a better choice for planting daisies.

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      Make a medium consisting of one part garden loam, one part peat moss and one part perlite. Take a sample of the medium to your local University Agriculture Department to have the pH of the soil tested. The ideal soil pH for daisies is about 6.5. Add a dusting of lime to the soil and mix if the pH is low.

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      Plant selected daisy plants in the medium. The crown -- where the roots meet the stem of the plant -- must be just above the surface of the medium. If the crown is underground, it will rot. Pat the soil down and water thoroughly until the water drains out the bottom holes of the container.

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      Place the container daisy in a location with full sunlight during the day. Plants grown in shade will not have profuse blooms and the color of the daisies will appear dull.

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      Continue to water the daisy once or twice a day to keep the soil moist. Always add enough water so that the water starts running out of the bottom of the pot, which will mean that the medium is wet throughout the container.

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      Use a 15-15-18 (nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium) water-soluble fertilizer once a month to feed the potted daisies. If you use a high nitrogen fertilizer such as 20-20-20, the foliage will grow, but the blooms will suffer.