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How to Grow Guanabana Tree

Guanabana or soursop (Annona muricata) hails from Central America but is now cultivated across the tropics. The trees reach 30 feet, with smooth, gray-brown bark and glossy leaves up to 6 inches long. Their edible, heart-shaped fruit can weigh as much as 5 pounds and contain fibrous white flesh and black seeds. Guanabana trees can be grown from seed collected from a ripe fruit.


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      Wash guanabana seeds after collecting them from a ripe fruit and plant immediately in a seed tray containing damp potting compost. The seeds can take up to 30 days to germinate. Transplant seedlings into individual pots once they are large enough to handle. Use a potting mix made up of 2 parts peat moss, 2 parts loam, and 1 part sand or perlite. Guanabana seedlings are ready to be planted outdoors once they are 1 foot tall.

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      Grow guanabana trees outdoors only in areas with a minimum temperature above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Even light frosts can damage or even kill large trees. Plant them in a sunny, south-facing location with rich, well-drained soil. Water regularly and never let the soil around your tree dry out, as this causes leaf drop. Fertilize every three months with a balanced fertilizer, providing 3 pounds per tree, per year. Leave at least 8 feet between trees.

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      Remove the branch tips from your guanabana tree once it reaches 6 feet. This encourages branching and fruit production on low, lateral branches. Mulch the base of your tree with a layer of organic matter at least 3 inches thick, to protect the shallow roots from drying out. Trees will begin to produce fruit within three to five years. Harvest the fruit in late summer once their color changes from bright green to yellowish-green. Allow them to soften for several days before consuming.

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      Keep potted guanabana trees in a bright indoor location or greenhouse. Water as soon as the surface of the soil starts to dry out, aiming to keep it evenly moist at all times. Fertilize every week with a liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted by 50 percent.