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How to Make Your Jalapeno Grow Hotter

A jalapeno pepper’s heat is not concentrated in its seeds, as many people believe. Capsaicin, the chemical that gives a pepper its heat, is concentrated in the cross wall part of the pepper, according to the experts at Texas A&M University. Although the heat level of jalapenos is largely determined by genetics, environmental factors play a role. When the gardener changes the environment to encourage the jalapeno plant to produce more capsaicin, it produces fewer and smaller, but hotter peppers. Grow jalapeno in a container to provide it with the proper growing conditions.


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      Grow the jalapeno plant in full sun.

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      Place the jalapeno plant in an area where the temperature remains between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit in the evening.

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      Withhold water until the jalapeno plant’s leaves begin to wilt. Water until the soil is saturated and wait until the leaves wilt again to water. This is the most important aspect of making a jalapeno grow hotter.

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      Taste-test the jalapenos 20 days after flowering. It may take from 20 to 50 days for the fruit to reach its full capsaicin level. The only way to determine if it has the heat you desire is to pick a fruit and taste it.