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How to Remove Mold From Dried Corn

Environment is a major factor in mold growth. A hot and moist storage environment encourages the development of mold. Dried corn is often used for feed for farm animals like cattle. If mold is present in the corn and goes undetected, it can cause health problems for the animals. The best way to fight mold is to try and prevent it, but if the mold is already present, the next step is to eliminate the growth as much as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Grain storage bins
  • Binding agent
  • Grain sieve
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      Examine the dried corn for mold. Dried corn is generally stored in bins. If you let the fan in the storage area blow on an open bin, you might smell a stench that can indicate mold. The temperature also has an effect on mold, so monitor the temperature every two weeks.

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      Test the stored corn for mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxins that are harmful to the health of both humans and animals. The only way to test for mycotoxins is to send a sample to a certified lab for chemical examination.

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      Remove the fines. Fines are the fine material of corn that is more likely to get infected by mold. You can remove the fines through the process of screening, or using a sieve to filter the corn.

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      Add a binding agent. A binding agent such as bentonite clay, Clinoptilolite or activated charcoal, can help bind and absorb the mycotoxins. Binding agents are different than anti-fungals, which work to kill the organisms that can produce mycotoxins.

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      Wash out the storage bins. You need to remove any traces of mold from the storage bin before you can use it again. Wash it thoroughly with hot water and then let it dry completely. Any moisture left in the bins will facilitate the growth of mold.