Home Garden

How to Remove Mold From a Swimsuit

If a swimsuit remains wet for an extended period of time, mold may take root. Removing the mold to make the swimsuit wearable again requires a few steps. A great way to prevent mold is taking a few preventative steps after swimming. First, wring out excess water from the swimsuit, then hang it on a towel rack in the laundry room or bathroom. Hang it out flat so it dries evenly and completely. Don't store it wet.


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      Take the swimsuit outside and shake the suit. If the mold doesn't fall off, gently wipe the swimsuit with a broom, newspaper or paper towel to remove the mold. Throw away the newspaper or paper towel once the mold is removed.

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      Rinse the swimsuit by hand washing in a mixture of water and gentle handwashing detergent or a little bit of your regular detergent. Apply the solution directly to the moldy area. Continue washing until all the mold and soap are removed from the swimsuit.

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      Dry the swimsuit on a rack in the laundry room or bathroom, or you can leave it to hang dry outside on a sunny day. Don't store the swimsuit until it's completely dry.