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Varieties of Sweet Corn Seeds: Bellringer

A heritage or "old-fashioned" variety of sweet corn, Bellringer produces yellow kernels sweet for eating. This variety isn't widely available through garden seed companies anymore -- even though it demonstrates very good characteristics and qualities.
  1. Features

    • Bellringer is considered by horticulturists as a sugary-type sweet corn variety. Its kernel sugar content is standard and with good flavor, offering delicious sweetness and taste, unlike its dent-kernel field-corn parents. Bellringer is not as sweet as the sweeter sugar-enhanced types like most modern sweet corn varieties.

    Time Frame

    • This yellow sweet corn selection is also regarded as a mid-season variety, according to North Carolina State University. Bellringer takes 70 to 80 days from seed germination to harvesting corn cobs with the ideal ripe kernel size and sweetness.


    • The Bellringer variety also possesses resistances to common vegetable garden diseases. It's usually not affected by strain A of the maize dwarf mosaic virus. Bellringer is unaffected by Stewart's disease and South Dakota State University states this variety shows resilience to common corn smut.