Home Garden

How to Plant Organic Sweet Corn Seeds

Sweet corn is a popular crop in the home garden, and it grows throughout the country during the long, hot days of summer. This crop has specific growing conditions, including temperatures over 60 degrees Fahrenheit, nutritious, crumbly soil, plenty of moisture and 80 to 90 days to grow to full maturity. It also takes up a lot of space, with strict requirements for wind pollination. To grow this crop in your own garden and keep it organic, start in the right season with all-natural ingredients.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic quick-draining soil
  • Organic compost
  • Organic fertilizer
  • Shovel or garden fork
  • Organic mulch
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      Start your corn planting in spring when the ground thaws. Prepare the soil after the last frost, then wait a week or two for planting, to give the ground a chance to warm and dry. All corn requires a starting temperature of at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Find a site that gets full sun for eight hours every day, and drains quickly after watering or rain. Choose a site that gives you 10 to 20 square feet for planting corn.

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      Amend the soil in the entire site to produce the deep, rich and well-worked foundation that corn needs. Check the labels on your soil amendments to ensure that you're using only animal- or plant-derived material for organic growing, then till 1 inch of quick-draining soil and 2 inches of organic compost into the top 6 inches of soil in your site. Break up any dirt clods you find.

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      Add 5 to 6 lb. organic fertilizer per 100 square feet of growing space. Mix the fertilizer into the top 6 inches of soil to increase the fertility available.

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      Plant organic sweet corn seeds 1 inch deep at every 8 to 10 inches, with rows spaced at 2 to 3 feet. Align your rows with the prevailing wind in your area to encourage wind pollination during the bloom.

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      Water the corn with 4 to 5 inches of water to moisten and settle the soil, then put it on a schedule of 2 inches of water a week. Lay out 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch in the plot to maintain soil moisture and discourage weed growth.