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How to Identify Flowering Cactus Plants

A cactus is a succulent, which means it is made of a thick, juicy stalk where it stores water. This stalk is often complemented by additional "leaves," and sometimes flowers. As desert plants, cacti do not always put energy and water into flowering. Those that do flower produce brilliant, beautiful blooms. Identify flowering cacti with careful observation and research.


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      Observe the shape and makeup of the cactus. Consider whether there are leaves spreading wide and open, or just a central stalk with the flower. Observe and record the size and shape of any leaves on the cactus. These are important identifiers for cacti.

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      Record the blooming time of the cactus. Some cactus flowers open during the day, while others open at sundown and stay open only during the night. The night-blooming cereus has large, white blooms that only open at night. Also record what season the cactus blooms; some cacti, like the orchid cactus, only bloom in summer.

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      Record the flower size, color and shape. These identifiers are unique to varieties of cacti, and will help you narrow the choices down. Cactus flowers can come in a wide range of colors, including white, red, pink and purple.

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      Locate a collection of cactus photographs online (see the Resources for an example) and compare your findings to the photographs to identify any unknown cactus.