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How to Grow Succulent Plants

Succulent plants are among the easiest houseplants to grow. They require very little to no daily care, only routine maintenance and watering. Succulents like bright, but not direct, sunlight, as the sun can scald the delicate leaves of these plants. Because they have shallow roots, care should be taken when repotting succulents.

Things You'll Need

  • Jade, agave, aloe or other succulent plant
  • Slightly larger growing pot
  • Cactus potting soil
  • Soft brush
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      Fill a growing pot 3/4 full of cactus potting soil. Choose a growing pot slightly larger than the pot the succulent is in now.

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      Remove the succulent from its existing pot. Gently shake the plant to remove any residual soil from the roots.

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      Replant the succulent into the new growing pot and cover its roots with additional soil, being sure that the soil reaches the same point on the plant as in the old pot.

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      Water the succulent when the soil is completely dry, or approximately once a month. Water until the soil is moist throughout.

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      Brush spider webs and dust from the leaves of the succulent plant when needed using a soft pastry or paint brush.