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Potting Soil for Cactus

Although cacti are typically associated with the desert, they are relatively easy to grow indoors. Improve your chances of success by planting cacti in a potting soil that mimics their natural environment.
  1. Features

    • Cacti thrive in dry soils with excellent drainage. In their natural habitat, they tend to grow in sandy soils. To duplicate these conditions, the University of Minnesota Extension recommends mixing one part potting soil with one part sand. Use containers that have adequate drainage to prevent root rot. Other potting soil additions that may be beneficial for cactus growth include peat moss, perlite and crushed rock.

    Soil Test

    • To test whether your potting soil is porous enough, moisten it and squeeze a handful of soil tightly. When you release your fist, the soil should come apart. If it sticks together, add additional sand or other soil amendments until it is loose enough.

    Other Considerations

    • Plant cacti in shallow pots with plenty of drainage holes. Large containers will accumulate excess water, which may cause cactus roots to rot or become diseased. Although cacti are drought tolerant, they do require water, so water cacti when the soil dries out.