Home Garden

Potting Mix for a Cactus

Cacti include around 2,000 plant types of various shapes and sizes adapted to survival in severe drought conditions. These plants grow best in environments that resemble their native habitats. Home climates mimic desert conditions with low humidity levels and warm temperatures year round. Cacti survive as houseplants in cooler climates, but die quickly if the potting mix is not right for their roots. Always check that the cactus requires dry, quick-draining soil before planting your plant.
  1. Potting Mix

    • Cactus soil consists of well-draining sandy soil. To create a potting mixture suitable for cacti, mix together equal parts of sand and potting soil. Use commercial potting soil or sterilized garden soil in the mixture. The sterilization process rids the soil of live weed seeds and plant diseases.


    • Test the moisture-holding property and texture of the soil mixture by wetting down the soil thoroughly and letting the water drain. Afterwards, tightly squeeze a handful of the potting mix and release it. If the soil sticks together in a ball, then it is not suitable for planting cacti since it holds too much moisture. Proper cactus soil will fall apart and stay loose after it is watered. This quality ensures that the roots of the cacti maintain access to air by preventing soil compaction.


    • Place this soil mixture in a pot with drainage holes that allow the quick drainage of water. Drill holes in the bottom of the container if they are not present. Cover the holes with wire mesh to stop the soil from running out the bottom of the plant pot. Drainage holes prevent root rot from developing by stopping the collection of water in the bottom of the container. Clay containers work best for cacti since excess moisture evaporates through the porous sides of the plant pot.


    • Appropriate cactus potting mixtures contain a low level of nutrients. House-grown cacti need feeding twice a year when they are actively growing in the early spring and mid-summer. Do not add organic material to the original potting mix. Organic material holds too much moisture around the cacti roots and promotes root rot. Let the soil dry out completely between watering. Pour water into the top of the container until it drains out the bottom. Discard the excess water immediately. Change the soil mixture when the cactus roots become pot bound.