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How to Care for Epiphyllum Oxypetalum (Queen of the Night)

"Epiphyllum oxypetalum" -- also known as Queen of the Night -- is a night-blooming cactus native to the region that extends from Mexico to Brazil. As such, this plant requires year-round warm weather to thrive. In the United States, it grows as a houseplant or in greenhouses. Late in the evening, the cactus blooms, revealing showy white flowers. The 5-inch-wide late-spring blossoms close their petals by morning. "Epiphyllum oxypetalum" requires simple care to thrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Well-aerated potting mix
  • Pot with drainage holes
  • Balanced fertilizer
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      Grow "Epiphyllum oxypetalum" in well-aerated potting mix. Buy or prepare your own blend by mixing 1 part small pine bark, 1 part coarse sand and 2 parts peat moss.

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      Water the cactus as often as it takes to maintain moist soil. Irrigate the potting mix until water flows out of the pot's drainage holes. Maintain hydrated roots year-round.

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      Feed "Epiphyllum oxypetalum" a fertilizer that contains equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, such as a 10-10-10 analysis. Dilute the nutrient to 1/2 the strength recommended on the manufacturer's label. Water the plant with this solution once a month. Do not fertilize this cactus in the winter.

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      Slide the plant out of its pot every two years. Discard the old soil and wash the planter. Repot the cactus in a fresh batch of potting mix. Water thoroughly.