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How to Grow Lithops Under Lights

Native to Africa, living rocks, or lithops, resemble pebbles, with stripes and dots in hues of gold, brown and gray. Members of the succulent family, lithops require little care, aside from a source of direct light and occasional watering. Fluorescent plant lights allow you to grow lithops in rooms that otherwise would be too dark for this unusual-looking plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Fluorescent plant light
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      Place your lithops plant under a fluorescent grow light, with 6 to 12 inches between your plant and the light. Set the light -- manually or using a timer -- to provide at least four to five hours of light each day, the amount of direct sunlight per day this plant needs.

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      Water the plant to moisten the soil no more than once a week from the spring until the fall. Allow the soil to dry out between watering times, but do not allow it to become bone dry. If the soil begins pulling away from the sides of the planter, you've let it go too long without water.

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      Decrease watering from late fall to early spring, the dormant period for these plants. Wait until after lithops flower to reduce watering. Lithops grown under lights will start to shrivel with less water. When you see shriveling, water the plant very lightly, enough to remove dust from the leaves. Wait to water again until you see shriveling.

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      Return to the spring through fall watering schedule when your lithops plant resumes growth. Over the winter, the plant produces a new pair of leaves, and the old ones shrivel. Wait until the new leaves begin to grow and the old ones are gone to return to the spring through fall watering schedule.