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How to Grow Schlumbergera Cactus

The name Schlumbergera refers to a small genus of epiphytic, or tree-growing, cactuses native to parts of South America. Schlumbergera bridgesii, or holiday cactus, occurs most frequently in cultivation for its flat, segmented stems and waxen flowers, which emerge around Christmastime. Schlumbergera cactuses root effortlessly from cuttings and quickly attain a mature growth habit with 12-inch-tall, draping stems, but the cuttings must be dried out briefly before potting to ensure they root without rotting.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • 4-inch plastic pot
  • Vermiculite
  • 6-inch plastic pot
  • Compost
  • Coarse sand
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    • 1

      Harvest a leaf segment cutting from an existing Schlumbergera plant in spring, around mid-April. Snap off a leaf segment at the joint or sever it cleanly using pruning shears.

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      Dry the Schlumbergera leaf for several days before potting it. Set it on a shelf away from direct sunlight until the severed end turns creamy white and slightly hard.

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      Pot the leaf segment cutting in a 4-inch plastic pot filled with vermiculite. Press the leaf into the vermiculite to half its depth.

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      Water the Schlumbergera cutting with 1/4 cup of water five to seven days after potting it. Drizzle the water into the vermiculite around the base of the cutting.

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      Set the pot on a windowsill offering very bright, indirect light and temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid exposing the Schlumbergera cutting to strong sunlight since it will dry out.

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      Test for roots in two to three weeks by gently trying to lift it from the vermiculite. Feel for resistance to the lifting motion, which indicates root production.

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      Transplant the Schlumbergera leaf cutting into a 6-inch pot filled with equal parts compost, coarse sand and vermiculite. Wait one to two weeks after rooting before transplanting it.