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How to Germinate Bramble Bushes

Bramble bushes are fruit-bearing vine plants that are part of the same family of plants as the rose. Similar to roses, bramble bushes have thorns that serve as a form of protection for the fruit on the vine. Bramble bushes produce sweet berries, such as raspberries, blackberries and boysenberries. Typically, bramble bush plants are grown by taking the cuttings from healthy specimens and planting them directly into the ground. However, the seeds found in the berries can be kept moist and germinated to produce seedlings.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Mesh strainer
  • Paper towel
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      Remove berries from the bush during the autumn -- if possible -- and place in a bowl. Use your fingers to mash the berries into pulp. Sift through the pulp and remove the small hard seeds.

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      Use a mesh strainer to rinse away any excess pulp.

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      Put the seeds in a moist paper towel and place them indoors in a warm spot that's between 68 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit, such as near a heater vent or a windowsill that is not drafty.

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      Keep the paper towel moist and warm for about three months. Place the moist paper towel in your refrigerator -- between 36 and 41 degrees F -- for an additional 90 days, keeping the paper towel moist and replacing as necessary; this process mimics conditions that the seedling will experience after planting.

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      Plant the germinated seedling in the spring after the final frost of the season.