Home Garden

How to Germinate Pole Bean Seeds

Pole beans, more commonly known as green beans, are a common vegetable grown in home gardens. You can purchase pole bean seedlings at garden supply stores, but germinating your own seeds at home will save you money. The pole bean seeds will germinate indoors within three to four days. When the beans are kept in a moist and humid environment, the shell will crack open to allow the bean to sprout. Germinating the seeds indoors will allow you to know which seeds germinated so you will have the desired number of plants for your garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels
  • Plate
  • Spray bottle
  • Plastic storage bag or clear plastic wrap
  • Seed trays
  • Commercial soil
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    • 1

      Tear off four sheets of paper towels. Place them onto a plate.

    • 2

      Fill a spray bottle with water. Spray the paper towels to moisten them completely.

    • 3

      Stack two moist paper towels together onto the plate, and set the other two off to the side. Place the amount of green bean seeds that you wish to germinate onto the paper towels. Avoid letting the green bean seeds touch.

    • 4

      Add the other two paper towels on top of the pole bean seeds. Place the plate with the paper towels inside a large plastic storage bag. You can also wrap the plate with clear plastic wrap.

    • 5

      Place the pole bean seeds in a location with indirect sunlight. The seeds will germinate best with a temperature range between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 6

      Keep the paper towels moist. Plant the seedlings into seed trays filled with commercial soil once they grow one set of leaves. Place them in a south facing window until the threat of frost passes, and then you can transplant them outdoors. Water the soil to keep it moist.