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How Far Apart Should Raspberries Be Planted?

The raspberry vine, or bramble berry, is actually a cane plant. These plants grow in the wild in many parts of the country. The berries provide a great sugary treat in the springtime. The raspberry, whether wild or cultivated, is useful for pies, jams, or just to put on top of ice cream. Growing raspberries is easy. It is the perfect fruit for a beginning gardener to try growing.
  1. Time Frame

    • Raspberry plants are cane plants. The canes should be cut back each year, in the winter, to provide quality growth in the Spring.The raspberries will take over the area unless they are cut back.


    • There are black raspberries, red raspberries and yellow raspberries. Each type has different culinary uses. The black and red berries are often used for jellies and jams.


    • The closer the cane plants are growing to each other has an affect on the size of the berries produced. The more room the plant has to grow, the better the berry yield.


    • Raspberry plants should be planted at least 3 feet apart in the fall. The first year, the plants may not produce many berries. The second, and each subsequent year, the yield will get better.

    Fun Fact

    • The dried leaves of the raspberry bush are often used in teas. Some companies buy quality dried leaves from farmers each year to provide flavorful raspberry teas to the consumer.