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How to Cut Blackberry Vines

Blackberries actually grow from canes, not vines, but the canes can be quite long and vinelike. This leads many people to refer to them as vines, even though vines are plants that grow along the ground unless supported, while canes are capable of supporting themselves. Note that trailing types of blackberries can benefit from some support. Also, canes live for only one or two years, a feature that becomes important when cutting blackberries. Old canes should be removed every year, as they will not produce fruit more than once. Cutting them back helps to keep the plant vigorous.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Gloves
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      Determine which canes have produced fruit. These canes should be cut out as soon as the fruit has been harvested, since they are a drain on the plant.

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      Cut the canes down low, close to the ground.

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      Remove not only the canes that have already fruited but also any canes that are not necessary to your next year's crop. Keep enough canes to give you a good harvest and cut away all extras. Doing this will help to enhance the vigor of the rest of the canes, resulting in a vigorous plant and a good harvest the following season.

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      Take the canes completely out of the area, to minimize the chance of any pests or diseases being transferred to the remaining plants. They can be composted, taken to a landfill or burned.

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      Cut off the tops of the canes as the blackberries grow. Keep them trimmed to about 4 or 5 feet tall. This makes it easier for you to harvest the blackberries. Without trimming, the plants may grow too tall for you to reach the fruit on the upper parts. You may need to cut them more than once during the growing season.