Home Garden

What Makes a Bean Plant Grow?

Bean plants are one of the most popular home gardening vegetables, according to the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension. Most bean varieties are quite adaptable and easy to grow, making them ideal for both amateur and experienced gardeners.
  1. Water

    • Beans require proper watering to grow. They need about an inch of water each week, according to Purdue University Extension. Adequate watering is especially important during the flowering stages, and excessive or inadequate water levels will prevent the bean pods from properly developing.

    Light and Temperature

    • Plant beans in full sun for maximum growth and crop yields. Beans are warm season vegetables and must be planted after the threat of frost has passed. Cool soil temperatures, combined with overwatering, will prevent bean seeds from germinating properly. Soil temperatures should be consistently above 60 degrees Fahrenheit for best results.

    Soil Conditions

    • Beans grow in a variety of soil conditions. They must have well-drained soils and tend to thrive in pH levels between 6 and 6.8, although more acid soils (5.8 to 6.3) may also be appropriate. For best results, test your soil before planting and apply fertilizers or soil amendments as necessary.