Home Garden

How to Take Care of the Herb Basil in the Home

The only thing more satisfying than growing basil in your garden is growing it right in your home. This licorice-scented herb is perfect on pizza and pasta, and made into pesto. Grow it on a windowsill in your kitchen or close to it to enjoy it year-round.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Saucer, optional
  • Spade
  • Nutrient-rich potting soil
  • Fertilizer
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      Gently remove your basil plant from its plastic container. If the roots have begun to curl around in a circle, knock off any old soil and carefully tease the roots out with your fingertips.

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      Place some potting soil in your container with a spade. Center your basil plant on top of this soil so the top of the root ball will sit about 1/2 inch from the top rim of the container.

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      Use a spade to fill in the rest of the soil and gently tamp the soil down with your hands.

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      Place your potted basil plant in a south-facing window to maximize its light exposure. Basil loves to grow in full sun.

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      Water your basil but do not keep it soggy. Allow the surface of the soil to dry completely before watering again to keep fungus gnats at bay. If you are keeping a saucer beneath the container, empty it when water has collected to keep it from rotting your basil's roots.

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      Apply a good-quality organic fertilizer to your basil plant each time you water to ensure it will perform at its best. Dilute the fertilizer to about half the strength the manufacturer suggests before applying.