Home Garden

How to Grow African Daisy (Dimorphotheca)

Also called cape marigold or star-of-the-veldt, this sunny, long-blooming daisy-like annual (lasts just one year) thrives in full sun in regions with a cool growing season and dry, well-drained soil similar to that found in its native South Africa. The plants grow about a foot high atop long, wiry stems.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden Hoses
  • Garden Spades
  • Garden Trowels
  • Seeds
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      Look for established seedlings, which are sold at some nurseries in the spring. If you can't find them, you'll have to buy seeds.

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      Choose a color. African daisy comes in nearly every color, but blue with strongly contrasting 'eyes,' or centers, are popular.

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      Start seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before your region's last frost date.

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      Plant seedlings outdoors 8 to 10 inches apart after the last frost. Place them in well-drained soil such as that found in containers, a rock garden, a raised bed or slope. Sandy soil is excellent.

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      Keep soil moist but avoid wetting leaves since they're prone to fungal disease.

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      Keep spent flowers pinched off once the plant starts blooming to promote further bloom.

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      Pull the plant out of the garden after the first frost.