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How to Grow Lawn Daisy

The lawn daisy or English daisy (Bellis perennis) features white petals and a bright yellow center. Double-petaled cultivars are available in hues of white or pink; these feature tightly clustered rings of petals for a puffier flower. This perennial is hardy as far north as U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zone 4. Plant lawn daisy from seed anytime from the spring through the fall to enjoy in a wildflower garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Garden rake
  • Container (optional)
  • Potting soil (optional)
  • Water-soluble balanced fertilizer
  • Garden shears
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      Prepare the soil for planting by turning it over with a spade and removing rocks, roots, weeds and other debris. Break apart soil clods with your fingers. When finished, rake the soil into a smooth bed. If planting in containers instead, fill containers with potting soil to within 2 inches of the top.

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      Spread daisy seeds over the soil or in the prepared container, leaving one inch between seeds. Cover the seeds with a thin, even layer of soil.

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      Water the soil to wet it. Thereafter, maintain a moist soil until the daisy seeds germinate.

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      Thin the lawn daisy plants when they emerge, leaving six to eight inches between each seedling.

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      Water the daisies when the soil becomes dry, adding liquid to saturate the soil.

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      Fertilize your daisies with a water-soluble balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10. Combine the appropriate dose range for your size of garden with water, then pour over the plants. Do this when the daisies are established, after thinning.

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      Cut daisies to enjoy a fresh flower bouquet, or simply pluck off spent daisies to maintain an attractive garden and promote the growth of new blooms.