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How to Plant Mimulus Seeds

The Mimulus, also known as Monkey-flower or Musk-flower, is a diverse, 150-species plant in the Phrymaceae family. The Mimulus is an annual that grows well in North America, especially in shady areas with rich soil. The flowers bloom early, are colorful, and often resemble the face of a monkey. With the proper planting and germination, you can easily grow Mimulus flowers from seeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Indoor pot
  • Planting soil
  • Water spray bottle
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      Fill an indoor pot with planting soil. The soil should almost fill the pot.

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      Place the Mimulus seeds on top of the soil two months before the last frost. Press the seeds gently into the soil. They do not need to be planted deeply, but rather just under the surface of the soil.

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      Mist the soil with a water bottle that has a spraying feature. It’s not necessary to water the soil with a watering can. If the soil seems overly dry to the touch, add more water. Be careful to not let the soil get muddy.

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      Place the pot in a room that gets only partial sunlight.

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      After the last frost, transplant the Mimulus seedlings to an outdoor area that will receive partial to full shade. Extract each seed with your hands or small shovel. Plant them in the ground soil. Try to space them 6 to 8 inches apart from each other. This will give them enough room to bloom.

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      Keep the soil moist but not over-watered for the next two weeks, which is usually the germination period for the Mimulus seeds. If the soil feels very dry to the touch, spray the soil with the water bottle until it feels moist but not muddy to the touch.