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How to Propagate Marigold Seeds

Marigolds are hardy, flowering annuals that are planted for color and to ward off bugs in vegetable gardens. The so-called African and French marigolds both originated from Mexico. Together the African and French varieties created a third called a triploid marigold. Depending on the variety, marigolds can grow from 6 inches tall to 3 feet tall. Growing them from seeds is easy. You'll need a sunny spot for your seedlings to grow.

Things You'll Need

  • Marigold seeds
  • Seed starter
  • Planting cells
  • Irrigation tray
  • Water
  • Misting bottle
  • Scissors
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      Fill a planting tray with individual plastic planting cells or peat pots. Fill the cells 3/4 of the way full with a seed starting mixture such as ProMix BX. Press the soil down firmly in each cell. Peat pellets are useful for starting large amounts of seed in a small space. Soak these in water to expand them. They have growing compound built right into them. Just drop the seeds into them.

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      Fill the irrigation tray with water and let it sit to allow the soil to absorb the water from below.

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      Pour excess water out of the irrigation tray once the soil feels well moistened and sprinkle about five seeds into each cell. Add a quarter inch of seed starting mixture on top of the seeds and press it down firmly.

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      Mist the top of the soil with a water-filled spray bottle. Put the tray in a sunny area that gets at least 10 hours of light a day. In lieu of sufficient natural light, setting them under fluorescent lights will work. When the seeds have sprouted and have put out two leaves each, thin out the seedlings. Only keep the hearty looking ones and snip the weaker ones off at the base with a scissors.

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      When the plants are 2 to 3 inches tall and the threat of frost is over, the marigold plants can be transplanted to the garden outside.