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How to Fertilize Begonias

Gardeners growing begonias have three different begonia species from which to choose. Tuberous begonias grow from tubers and they will return each year after a period of dormancy. The perennial rhizomatous begonias grow from thick rhizomes. Fibrous perennials are the annual bedding begonias often found in nurseries for spring planting. Whichever begonia variety you grow, fertilize begonias twice each month throughout the growing season to keep them thriving and blossoming in your growing area.

Things You'll Need

  • Water-soluble fertilizer (10-10-10)
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      Mix the fertilizer with water according to package recommendations for the size of the begonia plant or the size of the planting container.

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      Water the soil around the begonia first with plain water to moisten the soil. This will prevent fertilizer burn on the sensitive roots of the begonia plants.

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      Pour the fertilizer carefully around the soil near the begonia plants. Do not allow the fertilizer to splash onto the plant foliage as you pour the fertilizer.