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How to Take Seeds From a Begonia Plant

Native to the tropics, the begonia plant is an annual that grows well in flower boxes, pots, hanging baskets and flowerbeds. Begonia plants produce dense green foliage and medium-sized flowers in shades of pink, white, red or yellow. All begonia flowers contain bright yellow stamens and seedpods that reside just below the blooms. These seedpods contain very fine seeds that when taken for harvest, can be stored or immediately planted.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors Begonia seedpods Paper bag, jar or film canister Paper plate Paper envelope Permanent marker Glass jar Powdered milk Napkin Refrigerator
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    • 1

      Wait for your begonia blooms to shrivel and the attached stems to dry-up, exposing the seedpods. Snip-off the begonia seedpods with a pair of scissors.

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      Store the begonia seedpods in a paper bag, jar or film canister to ripen for approximately 30 days. Ripe begonia seedpods will turn from pale pink to light brown.

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      Remove the begonia seedpods from storage after the ripening period. Break the begonia seedpods open over a paper plate, using your fingertips.

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      Pick-out any chaff that falls out of the begonia seedpods with the seeds. Chaff is the protective casing that covers the seeds that usually has a dry, papery composition.

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      Place the begonia seeds in a sealed paper envelope. Label the envelope with the seed type and date using a permanent marker. Store the begonia seeds in a cool, dry place until use.