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Directions for Planting Marigold Seeds

Available in a range of colors and sizes, annual marigolds provide summer-long blooms to both beds and containers. Plant marigolds in beds, borders or pots wherever you crave bright, low-maintenance color. Marigolds easily grow from seed, and starting your own plants gives you a larger choice of variety than what is available at garden centers.
  1. Timing

    • Marigolds require warm temperatures and don't tolerate frost. Start seeds indoors four to six weeks before the last expected spring frost in your area so the plants are ready to bloom once you set them outside. Plant outdoors only after all frost danger is past, whether you are planting nursery transplants or seed directly in the bed.


    • Start seeds in sterile potting medium that is made from peat, compost or other lightweight growing materials. In the garden, plant in well-drained beds that are rich in organic matter. Avoid heavy clay soils, as these don't provide proper drainage.

    Planting Depth

    • Sow seeds at a depth twice their width, or about 1/4-inch deep. Set plants in the bed at the same depth they were growing at in their seedling pots. Spacing depends on the marigold variety. Generally, space small varieties 6 to 8 inches apart and larger marigolds 8 to 12 inches apart.


    • Soil must remain moist at all times during germination. Water the soil thoroughly before sowing. Cover pots with plastic bags to retain the soil moisture during germination, or water the pots as soon as the soil surface begins to dry. Avoid overly wet, soggy soils as these can lead to rot.


    • Marigolds won't germinate in cold soils. Maintain a warm temperature, approximately 70 to 75 F, at all times during germination. With proper moisture and warmth, marigold seeds usually germinate within a week.


    • Marigolds do not require light to germinate. Once sprouted, move the seedlings to a full-sun location. Plant marigolds outside in areas that receive full-day sun, though some afternoon shade is acceptable.