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How to Prune Zinnias

Zinnias are annuals that grow from seed, bloom and die in just one growing season. They are planted every year, after the last spring frost, often from small plants available at most nurseries. Zinnias are native to the southwest and Mexico and were once thought of as weeds. Today, they are popular garden plants with many varieties, producing large colorful blooms for several months. Zinnias are not pruned like perennials, shrubs or trees, but do benefit from a couple of simple pruning habits to encourage them to grow and bloom the way you want and to keep the garden neat and clean.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand clippers
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      Clip off the tips of zinnias when they reach 4 to 6 inches high to encourage more lateral and bushy growth. Do this only if you want to a bushier plant. Use sharp, clean hand clippers.

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      Deadhead zinnias while they are blooming. Pinching off spent blooms will encourage more blooms and create a neater zinnia bed. You can pinch them off with your fingers, or use a pair of sharp hand clippers.

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      Cut back and remove zinnias after they are finished blooming, usually in the summer or fall, depending on when you planted them.