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How to Water Wave Petunias

The wave petunia became popular when the purple wave petunia was introduced in 1992. Hanging baskets and window boxes filled with these vigorous plants graced the homes of many Americans, creating an explosion of color unrivaled by the plants' tamer ancestors. Since then, several varieties of the wave petunia have been released, making them one of the most desired annuals for hanging baskets or containers. Part of their appeal comes from the their prolific blooming from late spring until fall, but ease of care is also an important consideration.


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      Water potted wave petunias until water runs freely from the bottom of the pot when the soil feel dry to the touch, typically once a day. These vigorous plants require adequate water to sustain growth and blooming. As plants mature and and the roots fill the pot, they may require watering twice a day.

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      Check the soil near the base of wave petunias grown in flowerbeds often. When the soil feels dry 1 inch below the surface of the soil, wave petunias require water. Saturate the soil to the root level and allow the soil to dry before watering again. Watering deeply encourages deep root formation, whereas frequent shallow watering causes roots to form near the surface of the soil compromise the plants support system.

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      Water wave petunias in raised beds when the soil feels dry 1 inch below the surface. Water drains quickly from raised beds and may be lost to evaporation as the soil heats during the summer. Petunias in raised beds typically require more frequent watering that those grown in the garden bed.