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How to Grow Organic Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is the young grass blades of the wheat species Triticum aestivum. It is most commonly used for juicing and can be harvested 7 to 10 days from sprouting. The claims made about wheatgrass vary widely, and even expert opinions differ. For instance, the vitamin and mineral content of one ounce of fresh wheatgrass juice has been compared to anywhere from one ounce of fresh vegetables to four pounds. Scientific studies, however, have linked wheatgrass supplements to improving ulcerative colitis symptoms and reducing certain dangerous side effects of chemotherapy.

Things You'll Need

  • Wheatgrass seeds
  • Container for soaking seeds (optional)
  • Growing tray or potted container with drainage holes
  • Organic soil mix, compost or peat moss and worm castings
  • Clear plastic wrap
  • Scissors (any crafting or gardening scissors)
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  1. Sprouting Seeds

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      Purchase organic seeds from a reputable source, such as a health food store or organic gardening supply center. Wheatgrass seeds are also known as wheatgrass berries, wheat kernels or Hard Red Wheat. Make sure they are specified for sprouting and have not been sprayed with fungicide.

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      Soak the seeds in a container of water for 1 to 2 days. This step is optional.

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      Place a one inch layer of organic soil at the bottom a growing tray or, if using a potted container, fill it with soil to one inch below the rim with pre-moistened organic soil, compost or potting mix. Arzeena Hamir from Pioneer Thinking recommends using a mixture of 80 percent peat and 20 percent worm castings. The latter mix allows for more than one harvest.

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      Sprinkle the seeds in the sprouting container, making sure the seeds are close together but do not touch. Arzeena Hamir believes this reduces competition for nutrients and water. However, other wheatgrass growers experience good results with a thick layer of seeds. Pick one of these methods.

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      Press the seeds into the soil slightly.

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      Cover the seed with a light layer of whatever organic growing medium you have chosen and moisten the soil.

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      Cover the soil with clear plastic and place the seeds in a dark area. Keep the soil moist until they sprout, which should be 3 or 4 days.

    Caring For the Sprouts and Harvesting

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      Move the sprouts to a sunny area. The sun provides young sprouts with the means to begin manufacturing chlorophyll, and many holistic practitioners believe high levels of chlorophyll is an important part of the plant's health benefits. Sunlight also keeps them short and thick.

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      Water the sprouts regularly, keeping the soil moist.

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      Cut the sprouts using scissors as close to the surface of the soil as possible. They should be ready in 7 to 10 days. Arzeena Hamir recommends using the peat and worm casting mix allows for a second harvest due to the high nutrient content in the growing mix. If you are using this method, continue watering and wait for a second harvest.