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Beetles Killing a Cherry Tree

Cherry trees belong to the rose family and are native to the Mediterranean region. The fruit is broadly classified as sweet or tart. Sweet cherry trees grow 30 to 40 feet tall while tart cherry trees have a mature height of 15 to 20 feet. The trees are likely to die from a beetle infestation.
  1. Identification

    • Cherry tree are susceptible to infestation from the shothole borer. The pest is a very small, reddish black, 1/10 inch long beetle. The bullet-shaped insect is a common pest of a number of deciduous fruit and nut trees.


    • Shothole borers create tunnels in the bark and wood of infested trees as they feed. This feeding weakens trees and branches. Newly planted trees are most susceptible to the pests. Trees that are growing poorly or are already suffering stress are also more prone to infestation. Severe infestation kills the tree. The entry holes in the bark secrete clear-colored sap.


    • Maintain tree health with adequate water and fertilizer. Whitewash the trunks of younger trees to protect them from sunburn. It is best to immediately remove and destroy all infested tree areas. Remove severely infested trees entirely. There are no recommended insecticides for the pest.