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Things You Can Build with Bamboo

The green and organic movement has put bamboo out in the forefront of development. Its renewable and sustainable nature is placing bamboo in the home, garden, music and is even showing up in our recreational activities. But many of the "modern day " uses of bamboo can be traced back to the natives of the tropics.
  1. Recreation Items

    • Bamboo makes a perfect lightweight fishing pole that is inexpensive.

      One of the simplest items that can be made from bamboo is the simple fishing rod. Bamboo can also be found in sailing boats, sailing rafts, and skateboards. Presently bamboo is being explored as a lightweight material for bicycle frames and trailers.

    Building Materials

    • Bamboo fibers can help strength many different building materials.

      Bamboo poles have been used as framing materials in the tropics for years. It can now be found as flooring. Presently it is being explored as a strength builder for composite materials. Epoxy is mixed with short bamboo fibers and poured into the shape of the needed material.

    Musical Instruments

    • Bamboo wind chimes can create a zen-like environment.

      Musical instruments that can be made of bamboo include digeridos, pipe organs, flutes, panpipes, rainsticks and windchimes.

    Landscaping Uses

    • Bamboo can be used green or dried in the landscape.

      Bamboo in the landscape can create a living fence. Traditional fencing can be made from bamboo poles tied together.

    Bamboo Furniture

    • Bamboo furniture is durable enough to last indoors and outside.

      There does not exist any type of furniture that can not be made from bamboo. This includes tables, chairs, beds and even desks.