Home Garden

How to Use a Rain Barrel for Water in Flower Beds

Any lawn, flower garden or vegetable patch requires set conditions, with adequate water being one of the most important. Green-minded gardeners, and those seeking to control their water bill, may supplement their standard water supply with water recycling systems like rain barrels. These systems collect water that would normally be lost into runoff, for use on lawns and in flower beds, and for use later in dry seasons. To take part in this green, recycling revolution, set up your own rain barrels and begin conserving water in your yard.

Things You'll Need

  • Rain barrels
  • Watering can/bucket
  • Lids/tarps
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      Place the rain barrels in spots where they'll collect water during storms. Put the barrels at the corners of your house and under any downspouts, where gutters end or leak. Put rain barrels under tree branches that have steady streams of water, and even at the corners of walls or fences, where water runs down the structure. Move the barrels as necessary during your next rainstorm to catch as much water as you can.

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      Use a smaller bucket or watering can to transport water from the barrels to the flower garden. Water each flower as you normally would, with as much water as it needs on its given schedule. Rain barrel water collected in any location is safe for use on non-edible plants and flowers.

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      Cover the rain barrels with lids or tarps when they're not in use, to prevent evaporation or pollution. Uncover the rain barrels when there's a storm, and conserve the water for as long as you can into the dry period.