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The Best Plants to Grow in Elk, California

Elk is a small town in Northern California's Mendocino County. Sitting on Highway 1 on cliffs above the Pacific Ocean, the town has only about 200 residents. The variety of plant life that grows in Elk is extensive.
  1. Wildflowers and Other Natives

    • Life near the ocean in Elk can be hard on plants if they are not adapted to the cool, foggy summers and salty sea air. That's why coastal native plants are some of your best choices for landscaping here. From shrubs such as the wild lilac (Ceanothus) to annual flowers such as clarkia and lupine, to bulbs such as the Pacific Coast Iris, the natives offer low-maintenance landscaping and color.

    Benefits of Growing Native Plants

    • When you include native plants in your landscape you help to keep their gene pool alive. Many native plants readily reseed themselves, meaning you needn't replant the annuals every year because they replant themselves. Northern California native plants are often resistant to long dry spells and can endure heavy, cold winter rains. They give your yard a natural look and all you must do is prune them to keep them under control.

    Growing Coastal Native Plants

    • Because the coastal native plants are perfectly adapted to backyards as well as open spaces, they perform well in native soil, which is often sandy. They receive no synthetic fertilizer in their natural settings, so you needn't spend time and money on plant food. If you plant natives in fall, the normal winter rains will help them become established before the long, dry spring and summer.