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How to Grow Narcissus Bulbs

The narcissus, also called daffodil or jonquil, is a plant genus made up of 12 divisions that encompass 70 species with 25,000 cultivars. The blossoms of the plants appear in the spring and have a distinct trumpet shape. All grow from a bulb system and require similar planting and care. The bulbs require fall planting so they can undergo a period of cold stratification prior to breaking dormancy in the spring. Purdue University lists October as the best month to plant Narcissus bulbs.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Garden trowel
  • General purpose bulb fertilizer
  • Bone meal
  • Mulch (peat moss or straw)
  • Handheld pruning shears
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      Work the soil to a depth of 12 inches in an area with full sunlight and well draining soil. Discard all weed growth from the planting location. Apply 2 to 4 lbs. of a general purpose granulated bulb fertilizer and 3 to 4 lbs. of bone meal for every 100 square feet of the garden space. Work the fertilizer and bone meal into the soil.

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      Dig a hole that is 5 to 8 inches deep. Place the narcissus bulb with the pointed end of the bulb skyward and cover with soil. Space the bulbs 2 to 6 inches apart, depending on the bulb size. Large bulbs require more space than smaller bulbs.

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      Water the bulbs thoroughly once planted. Keep the soil moist until winter.

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      Apply 2 inches of straw or peat moss over the bulbs to offer wintertime protection. When spring arrives remove 1 inch of the mulch cover to encourage the bulbs to break dormancy and begin growing.