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When Do You Prune Tiger Lillies?

Tiger lilies bloom in August from large, sometimes softball-size bulbs.They are hardy and expand by division. One bulb soon grows into a clump that eventually will have to be dug up and pruned.
  1. Description

    • Tiger lilies have freckled flowers in yellow, orange and red. They grow 3 to 4 feet tall.


    • Prune tiger lilly flowers after they have finished flowering. Do not to reduce the stems by more than one-third, as this reduces the bulbs longevity and vigor. Cut off the stems and leaves after they have turned yellow.


    • After a few years fewer flowers than usual will appear, indicating that the bulbs have become too crowded. In the fall, when the foliage has turned yellow, loosen the soil around the clump and gently pry the bulbs apart. Prune the stems close to the bulbs and replant them.