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How to Grow Sparaxis

Sparaxis flowers grow from tender corms, which are modified root systems similar to bulbs. They produce upturned flowers in shades of apricot for a short period in spring, adding color to the early season garden. Planting occurs in the fall in areas with minimal frost, or in spring three to four weeks before the last frost in colder areas. The plants prefer full sun locations but the corms cannot tolerate soils that remain overly moist or dry.

Things You'll Need

  • Mulch
  • Plant markers
  • Trowel
  • Box
  • Peat moss
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      Plant sparaxis corms so the top sits 5 inches below the soil surface. Space the corms 3 inches apart in all directions.

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      Spread 2 inches of mulch over the bed to provide insulation against spring cold. Mulch also keeps moisture in the soil and prevents weed growth.

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      Water the bed once weekly from planting until the foliage dies back naturally in late spring or early summer. Provide enough water to moisten the top 6 inches of soil and don't allow the soil to dry out completely during the growing period.

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      Cut back the foliage after it yellows and dies back on its own. Mark the location of the corms with a plant marker after shearing back.

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      Dig up the corms in fall before the first frost. Store the corms indoors in a box filled with peat moss in a dark 68 to 77 degree Fahrenheit location until you replant the corms in spring.