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Will Roundup Damage Plants Nearby?

The herbicide product Roundup contains the active chemical ingredient glyphosate. It's considered a nonselective herbicide by horticulturists, meaning that it affects or kills any plant that it encounters when it is absorbed into the leaves or stems.
  1. Function

    • Roundup acts on emerged plant vegetation; it is absorbed into a plant and then kills the plant from within its own vascular system. This herbicide does not travel through soil to be absorbed by underground roots.


    • Any plant drenched in the Roundup solution spray absorbs it and spreads it throughout all its tissues. Depending on temperature, humidity and moisture within the plant, the chemicals cause plant death within seven days on average. Nonlethal exposures cause leaf yellowing.


    • Since Roundup harms any plant in comes in contact with, focus the spray only onto the undesirable weeds. Reduce spray drift by applying Roundup on windless days. Temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit may cause nearby plants to be overly sensitive to even minute amounts of spray drift.