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How to Keep Mice Out of Outbuildings

For the health and safety of you and your pets, keep mice out of outbuildings. Mice are attracted to the food and shelter of homes and outbuildings, such as sheds, garages and barns. Outbuildings are especially vulnerable to mice during the colder months of autumn and winter. One of the species that infest outbuildings is the house mouse, or Mus musculus, which arrived in the United States when Europeans first explored and settled here. Though mice can be cute looking, they carry diseases, such as the hantavirus, which can be passed onto humans.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic bins
  • Metal containers
  • Pallets
  • Plastic garbage bins with tight fitting lids
  • Gravel
  • Caulk
  • Silicone
  • Window screens
  • Snap traps and live traps
  • Peanut butter
  • Mint oil mixed with alcohol
  • Commercial mice repellents
  • Rodenticides
  • Cat
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      Remove the food source that attract mice. Some outbuildings hold pet food, grains or seeds, and mice like to eat these kinds of food. Place these foods into rodent-proof containers, such as plastic bins or metal containers.

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      Store bulk food or straw stacked neatly on pallets. Some outbuildings, such as barns, must store food. Placing them onto pallets does not necessarily stop mice from eating them, but it can be easily inspected for droppings. Sweep and clean these areas daily.

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      Keep garbage in thick plastic garbage bins with tight fitting lids. Never leave garbage in plastic bags outside your home or outbuilding. This attracts mice. Clean your yard of debris or garbage.

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      Weed and cut grass around the perimeter of outbuildings. Tall grass and weeds attract mice, and keeping areas around outbuildings clear can deter some mice. Lay an 18-inch-wide strip of gravel around all outbuildings to prevent mice from burrowing. Keep lumber, firewood and debris away from the perimeter of the outbuilding. Store these items at least 1 foot off the ground

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      Caulk any cracks or small openings in the walls. Fill areas around drain pipes with silicone. Install screens on all windows. Any small openings must the closed to prevent mice from entering.

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      Lay mice traps in areas where you have seen droppings. Different kinds of traps are available. Some kill them, like snap traps, while others are live traps. Peanut butter can be used as a bait.

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      Spray mice repellent. Homemade mice repellent can be made from mint oil mixed with alcohol, and commercial mice repellents are available. Use these near bulk items, but be careful not to taint any food. Bait the mice with rodenticides, but use these with caution. Many of these are harmful to other animals and humans.

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      Adopt a cat to hunt for mice. Cats traditionally live in barns to keep mice numbers down. However, sometimes mice are able to feed off cat food and hide from the cats.