Home Garden

How to Keep Roaches Out of a Pantry

Cockroaches are insidious pests that can quickly breed and become a problematic home infestation. The pantry is a place where food is placed for long-term storage, and if it is not properly attended to, it can attract roaches. If you have noticed roaches in your pantry, take action at once to prevent the infestation from getting worse and to eliminate the roaches as well.

Things You'll Need

  • Air-tight containers
  • Broom
  • Soap and water
  • Caulk gun
  • Roach traps
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    • 1

      Remove all of the food from the pantry.

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      Throw away any food that has been infested with roaches and any trash that might have been left in the pantry. Boxes and stacks of old papers are good hiding places for roaches.

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      Place all the unaffected food in air-tight containers to prevent the roaches from getting to the food.

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      Sweep the pantry thoroughly.

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      Scrub the pantry down with soap and water.

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      Run a line of caulk along the edges of the pantry where there are cracks. Roaches use these cracks to enter the pantry.

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      Place roach traps on the floor of the pantry and any place you have seen roaches.