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How to Resurface a Pitted Concrete Driveway

Driveways are exposed to harsh weather and the daily wear and tear of heavy vehicles, and show their age with unsightly pits in the surface. The damage will continue to spread unless it's repaired. Adding a new layer of concrete results in a strong, new surface, and it saves you the hassle and cost of replacing the entire driveway.

Things You'll Need

  • Concrete stain remover
  • Wire scrub brush
  • Hose
  • Hammer
  • Cold chisel
  • Sand
  • Vinyl concrete patch mix
  • Putty knife
  • Bonding adhesive
  • Low-nap roller
  • Concrete overlay
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Squeegee
  • Flat trowel
  • Stiff brush
  • Breathable fabric
  • Sealant
  • Roll brush
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      Clean the driveway with concrete stain remover and a wire scrubbing brush to remove stains and debris embedded on the concrete. Roughing up the surface with a scrub brush allows new concrete to adhere to the old surface better. Rinse chemical solutions from the surface with a hose and let it dry.

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      Identify large pits in the surface and widen the bottom of the holes with a hammer and cold chisel. Remove fallen debris and measure the depth of the holes. If they’re less than 1/2 inch deep, use a putty knife to patch them with vinyl concrete patch mix. If they’re deeper, fill them with sand until the remaining hole is 1/2-inch deep, and patch the rest with the vinyl patch mix.

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      Roll bonding adhesive over the driveway with a low-nap roller brush. Wait for the coating to dry until it feels tacky.

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      Stir a cementitious concrete overlay mix in a wheelbarrow. Scoop the mix on top of the driveway in small piles beginning at the bottom end, and spread a 1/4-inch thick layer with a squeegee. Smooth the surface with a flat trowel and wait for it to begin to harden.

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      Trace the expansion joints through the overlay with the side of a trowel.

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      Push a stiff-bristle brush over the overlay to create a slip-resistant surface.

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      Keep moist, breathable fabric over the top to provide additional moisture for the overlay to absorb so it doesn’t dry out the concrete underneath. Wait about a week for the overlay to set and seal the surface with deep penetrating concrete sealer and a roll brush.