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How to Build a Panel Saw

A panel saw is an instrument for making cuts in large sheet material pieces. The purpose of using this tool is to cut long material in smaller sizes that a regular saw, or table saw, can better manage. As the website for the School of the Art Institute of Chicago says, the material you want to cut should be at least 14 to 16 inches long. Also, if you wish to buy a panel saw in the store, prepare to spend a significant amount of money. Building one at home would save you much headache and expense in the long run. As veteran engineer Ivan Helmrich points out, this is a project you can do at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Nuts
  • Bolts
  • Plywood
  • Circular saw
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    • 1

      Build a basic grid. Butt and screw one-by-fours on the edge.

    • 2

      Connect the half-lap joints to the parts of the grid.

    • 3

      Screw the grid parts to the frame. Keep screws well back from the edges, as contact with the blade could warp them.

    • 4

      Using lag screws, mount a 2-by-4-inch ledge at the bottom edge of the grid.

    • 5

      Drill holes to mount the six-rollers, or the wheels. As Helmlich points out, a pair of old roller skate wheels will suffice.

    • 6

      Using a hammer and some screws, mount the wheels to the base.

    • 7

      Using your saw and some wood, cut out a one-by-four and a two-by-four. These are your folding legs. Size them so they do not overlap when you fold them. Build them so they support the panel saw at an 80-degree angle off the ground.

    • 8

      Extend the feet forward of the rollers so the structure remains stable.

    • 9

      Attach a pair of two-by-four cleats to the frame. Screw in a filler block in the corners to help maintain balance.

    • 10

      Mount the legs to the cleats and the filler block. Use door hinges.

    • 11

      Cut the support board. Make sure the plywood that you use for it is wider than necessary. Using a hammer and nails, mount the plywood board to the frame.

    • 12

      Install four clasps for the cutting guides. Place two of them near the top of the plywood, and the other two on the bottom. These are to hold the cutting guides in place.

    • 13

      Cut the two one-by-fours that you will use for the cutting guides. Make a 5-footer and a 10-footer. Glue them on to a one-quarter-inch strip of plywood. Then paste it onto the large plywood plank that is on your frame.

    • 14

      Install the cutting guides on the hooks. Using a hammer and nails, secure these into place.