Home Garden

How to Make Driveway Lamps

Driveway lights offer guidelines to those returning home late at night. They also add a bit of definition to your property and help tie together your outdoor landscape. Installing driveway lights can be expensive, both in purchasing and using the lights. Using them too often can push up your electric bill, and replacing damaged lights can be a hassle. By creating your own recycled, solar-powered driveway lights, you save money and have the freedom to personalize your lights. These lights are very simple and inexpensive.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass gallon jars
  • Acrylic paint
  • Painter's tape
  • Frosted glass spray paint
  • Plastic solar-powered garden spikes
  • Blue poster tack
  • Heavy stones
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      Rinse and dry each of your gallon jars thoroughly. This eliminates dirt and grime that may prevent paint and poster tack from sticking. Iced tea jars with hinged lids work best.

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      Pour enough acrylic paint into each jar to just cover the bottom. Cover the lids in painter's tape and close the jars. Pick up each jar and twist and turn it to coat the inside of the jar evenly in color. Open your jars and let them dry overnight.

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      Remove the painter's tape from your jars, and spray paint the outside of each one with frosted glass spray paint. This gives them a chic and professional look and helps diffuse the light later on.

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      Push on the bottom of the light assembly on your garden stake lights. The assemblies should simply pop off. As of 2010, these stakes cost about $3 each.

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      Spread a little sticky blue poster tack on the underside of each jar lid. Press a light assembly into the sticky tack. Place a large rock on the inside bottom of each jar. Close the jar lid, and set the jars along your driveway. The rocks hold them in place, and the lights turn on when the sun goes down.