Home Garden

How to Make Driveways Visible

Increasing the visibility of your driveway helps visitors notice the entrance before they pass by your property. You also increase the safety of the driveway by making those walking or driving aware of the upcoming driveway so they are more alert. When choosing methods of making your driveway more visible, consider how those elements look in the overall landscaping. Choose driveway markers and landscaping that increase the curb appeal while highlighting your home's driveway.

Things You'll Need

  • Plants
  • Columns
  • Arch
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    • 1

      Landscape the entrance of the driveway to draw attention to it. Choose a mix of small shrubs, plants and flowers that coordinate with the rest of the landscaping. Keep the plants below 2 feet tall so you don't block the view for those driving in and out of the driveway.

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      Install decorative columns on either side of the driveway. A similar option is an archway that goes over the driveway. Choose narrow columns, and set them back from the road slightly so you don't block visibility.

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      Place a sign by your driveway that displays your address. This marks the driveway, making it more visible while helping first-time visitors find your address easier than they would if they had to look for the numbers on your house.

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      Line the driveway with a retaining wall or similar landscaping to define the pathway. This helps those driving tell exactly where the driveway is.

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      Install landscape lighting along the driveway to increase nighttime visibility. Solar lights don't require any hardwiring, so they present an easier installation process. To highlight the entrance of the driveway, install a lamppost light.