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How to Prune Hardwood Trees

Trees need regular pruning to keep the tree healthy and protect your family from falling branches. Pruning hardwood trees also helps keep the overall intended shape of the tree, for example, hardwood trees commonly grow lateral branches that my compete for dominance of the tree. Before making any cuts, make sure to clean your shears and clippers with a mixture of bleach water to prevent spreading diseases around your yard. Remove any residue from the blades by washing them in a bleach mixture of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. Dry them thoroughly before clipping.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand clippers
  • Chainsaws
  • Pole pruners
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      Inspect the tree for dying or diseased branches that need removing. Remove these first with an appropriately sized blade. Taking these branches from the tree may change the overall look of the tree, and impact what other pruning you do later. Remove dead wood as close to the living tissue as possible, without actually going into the living bark.

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      Remove laterally growing branches that compete for dominance over the tree. Cut living branches outside of the branch collar, where the branch thickens as it meets the main trunk.

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      Thin the crown of the tree by removing select branches. Thinning the tree near the top allows more light and airflow inside the tree, enabling it to be healthier. Don't remove more than one-quarter of the crown at one time or you may stress the tree.

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      Keep branches with strong U-shaped unions --- where two branches meet---and remove branches with a sharp V-shaped angles, suggests the USDA Forestry Service. Sharp angles weaken and may break off later.

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      Remove branches near the bottom crown of the tree to allow for safe clearance beneath the tree. Keep the crown to about two-thirds of the total height of the tree. Check with local ordinances for street clearance requirements.