Home Garden

How to Prune a Dawn Redwood

The dawn redwood tree grows wide and typically maintains its shape, but over time may require pruning to remove weak or dead branches that can affect its growth and appearance. A large redwood tree requires professional maintenance due to the sheer size of the deciduous tree, which can grow up to 100 feet tall, but smaller trees can be pruned without professional assistance when carefully cut to avoid damage.

Things You'll Need

  • Gardening work gloves
  • Pruner
  • Lopper
  • Yard waste bag
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      Put on gardening work gloves before handling the redwood's branches to protect your hands from scratches.

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      Inspect the tree for weak branches, which are characteristically brittle and thin, and cut the branch at the joint where a Y shape is formed. Cut off damaged or weakened branches with a lopper for a clean cut.

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      Cut branches parallel to buds to ensure healthy growth.

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      Pull back the branches, and prune starting at the top of the tree. Work your way down to the base of the tree in order to maintain the tree's pyramid shape.

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      Pick up dead, clipped branches around the area of the tree and dispose of them in a yard waste bag.