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What Are the Plant Foods for a Weeping Cherry?

The weeping cherry tree is a spectacular ornamental addition to landscapes. Botanically known as the Prunus pendula, its cascading mushroom of blossoms is a magnificent centerpiece to sunny sites, and its fragrant flowers attract bees, birds and butterflies. If properly planted and located in your garden, its feeding and watering demands are minimal, and an adult tree will give you years of pleasure.
  1. Soil

    • The first and most important food to give your weeping cherry begins upon its planting. Choose a sunny, elevated location that offers good drainage and air circulation. Test the soil to assure a pH acid level of 6.1 to 6.5. Add peat moss to your planting hole, supplemented with an organic mix of beneficial mycorrhizae to encourage root production and expansion.


    • Even before you plant, you should test the hole to assure proper drainage. When first planted, water your weeping cherry twice a week with a slow trickle from your hose. Soak fully. Once established, nature should supply sufficient water unless your area experiences drought.

    Establish Growth

    • Allow your tree to establish healthy roots and new growth before supplementing with any fertilizer.


    • Fertilize in early spring after the last frost using a slow-release granular fertilizer of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium, 10-6-4. You can also apply liquid fertilizer by soil injector.

    Water Wash

    • Although not necessary for its nourishment, a regular wash from a high-pressure spray will help keep aphids and spider mites from nesting on your tree.