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How to Use Wood Shavings for Mulch

Mulching is a crucial component of planting a garden or other landscape area. It protects the plant roots from cold winter temperatures, keeps them moist during the hot, dry days of summer and fights weeds. There are a wide variety of natural and man-made mulches, but wood shavings offer a natural alternative. There are, however, some special conditions to using wood shavings as mulch.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood shavings
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Ammonium nitrate
  • Shovel
  • Garden hose
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      Place the wood shavings in a wheelbarrow or dump them into a pile on the lawn. Add 1/4 lb. ammonium nitrate for every 1 bushel wood shavings. Mix the shavings and the ammonium nitrate well with a shovel

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      Spread the wood shavings over the area under plants until the shavings are between 2 and 5 inches deep. Smooth the top surface out as evenly as possible, but do not pack it down. Pull the wood shavings back 6 inches from the base of each plant to prevent disease from developing.

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      Water the wood shavings with a garden hose until they are damp. The moisture will begin dissolving the ammonium nitrate into wood.

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      Add 3 to 4 inches of new wood chips every two to three years to replace decomposed shavings.